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You are teaching at home, now what?

Updated: Mar 25, 2021

I have been flooded with questions from families about the best online resources to use and most importantly which ones are FREE! I have compiled a list of resources that I have personally tried and I encourage you to give them a try as well for your elementary loved ones. So here are 6 resources that you can begin using for FREE today!

# 1 (shameless plug) FUNdamentals of Learning offers FREE tutorials on Facebook and YouTube! My videos are geared toward elementary students, teachers, and families. Brand new sight word method published to my Pinterest page!

#2 Khan Academy. This is a website that I use with my children at home and it's FREE to sign up. They provide students the opportunity to work at their own pace and as the teacher and parent, you can assign them specific assignments as well. This website focuses on ALL content areas(reading, math, science, etc.)

#3 If you are looking for a FREE website that offers help with sight words and rhyming is my go-to website. The books are free you just need access to a printer unless your learner will be reading them on the screen which is also an option.

#4 Many of you have also asked me about helping with phonics and letter sounds. For this, I recommend a FREE website called!

#5 HOODA MATH & MATH GAME TIME! These two websites are similar in development and structure. Students can work through math problems based on their grade level or math interest! Yes, it's FREE!

Thank you so much for reading this blog and if you are a kindergarten family looking for an online course visit my website and enroll TODAY using the discount code KOUNTS2020! I have also Kindergarten Kounts Learning Kits available for purchase these kits include math guides, tutorials, and materials prepared by Mrs. Spann. Order forms are available here!

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